Checkout was simple. I asked what we needed to do, and was told “Just leave us a good review if we earned it!” And yes, they did.
A few observations for a next trip here:
It’s a quick trip from Miami. There are a few toll roads but nothing to worry about. You’ll want a co-pilot on board to help interpreting the maps and instructions. The road is very simple – just a long skinny highway. But it was helpful to have someone reading directions and spotting turnoffs for various places.
Definitely spend some time researching what you want to do in the Keys before you come. There are so many options and you don’t want to spend vacation time planning a vacation.
Spend more time sailing. We wanted to do a mix of things but honestly, the sailing here is really fun.
Key West could easily be a full long day, we should have prepared more for that.
There’s a barbecue grill at each cottage – we will use that a lot more next time.
Spend a few more evenings on the beach by the tiki hut watching the sunsets.
Arrange flights so you can take advantage of the full days at Key Lime at the start and end. We’d arrived late on the first day and would have liked to spend the afternoon exploring that day.
According to the guys at the docks, the best times to go are the shoulder seasons beginning in April after the spring break crowds leave continuing through May, and Also September and October. However if you’re coming from the frozen north, this is a great escape all winter. We actually went in July, and thought the weather was great. Maybe there isn’t a bad time to go.