Sunrise over Utah Lake, from the docks in Pelican Bay |
Finally ready to put the boat in! We decided to put her in at the American Fork Boat Harbor, which is only a few miles from the house. Usually we put in at the Provo Marina (where the slip is), but we were looking forward to starting the year with a fun sailing trip, and planned to sail from American Fork over to Pelican Bay for the night, and then sail down to Provo the following day.
The American Fork ramp has long been rumored to be a poor launching site for keelboats. This is not true. The ramp drops off steeply, and for the first time ever I was able to launch the boat from the trailer without having to use a strap to lower the trailer deeper in the water. Much easier.
It was a perfect first sail. Northwest winds at 10mph let us heel nicely and sail all the way to Pelican Bay on a single tack.
Once in Pelican Bay, we tied up to the end of the docks and got serious about our favorite card game, BANG.
For dinner, I called around to several restaurants in Saratoga Springs until I found one willing to deliver down to the marina. Tenney’s Pizza came though, and the pizza was fantastic! Our favorite was their signature “Backyard Barbecue” pizza. Great for dinner, and for breakfast the next morning!